The Dive-by

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Michael Mann's Heat Prequel Will be a Book. Mine's a Movie (Treatment) You Can Read Right Here. It's Called Warmth.

Waingro works in a flower shop and votes in local elections. He’s polite, affable, and very tender with the flowers. His only tattoos are of carnations and not even just white ones! He’s not the guy we know from Heat, not yet anway. So what the hell happens? You're gonna get to find out. And your mind's gonna blow.

Donald Breeden is a hot shot professional drag racer. You know, the kind of racing with the weird looking long cars with parachutes for brakes? Breeden seems tough but sensitive, the kind of guy who hardly ever gets asked to meet a crew out back in 5 for a getaway gig. Because why the hell would anyone robbing a bank recruit a guy who can only drive in a straight line? So what the hell happens? You’re gonna get to see how Breeden learns to drive cars that have actual brakes for brakes. You’re gonna see him make turns. Literal. And not so literal. You’re gonna shake your head and say “If only he’d stuck to drag racing.” 

Eady is a graphic design student at Parsons in New York. She’s not good at meeting people.  Watching her, you can tell she’s likely to fall for the wrong guy. But she’s damn good at graphic design! She looks like she might even get to do the menus for a restaurant someday. And maybe some CD covers for a small record label.  

You get to see Jimmy McElwain on the yard say “You want to be making moves on the street, have no attachments, allow nothing to be in your life that you cannot walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the corner.”  You don’t exactly know why he says it because we have to save some stuff for Coolness, my prequel to Warmth. But I can tell you this: the shot of the cutest little bulldog puppy waiting at the door for Jimmy is gonna break your heart.

Neil McCauley and young Chris Shiherlis are there on the yard listening to Jimmy. Neil nods, makes a mental note. Neil’s been real focused ever since he got out of the hole. But Chris is distracted because he’s watching a flag football game. A four lateral flea-flicker produces a game winning touchdown. Chris looks disappointed. Kinda mad really. At first you think it’s because the offense never should have been able to break contain. But then it hits you—he’s probably losing a bet!

You get to see…Vincent Hanna. He’s attending some kind of school. You know what? It looks like grad school. Hanna’s wearing shorts and a T-Shirt and you can tell he’s a hot shot who’s probably already been in the Marines or whatever. He’s sitting on a dorm room bed, in between a stack of books and a pretty young woman. They seem sad. He tells her “It’s like you said. All I am is what I’m going after.” Then he puts on his flag-football belt and runs down the stairs two at a time, past a sign that says “Grad School U - Intramural Fields.”   

So maybe you don’t give a shit about my prequel because you heard about Michael Mann’s . Yeah, okay. But his is a book. Mine is a movie. Okay movie treatment. We don’t even know what Mann's is called yet, but we know mine's called Warmth. Plus mine has flag football.